Artwork adaptation system
POS, materials, Visual Merchandising, In-store and outdoor advertising, newspaper and magazine ads all these materials are based on making adaptions of a pre-created artwork design.
The Online Artwork Adaption System, developed and maintained by Resource-IT, gives end-users the tools to create these adaptions at any time they need them. End users don’t need to have knowledge about graphical design, they just need to follow the easy to use interface and are guided through the process.
The creative designs are provided and imported as Adobe Indesign Templates and are the base for the creation of adaptions.
The final results are automatically optimized for the production process and delivered almost real-time. When the production is centralized via one or more preferred suppliers, the materials can be delivered to them automatically when the created artwork is approved.
An approval phase from the central marketing organization can be included when required. And at all times, all generated artwork is stored in the Digital Asset management system, so it can be reviewed at all times. The statistics page gives the central marketing organization clear insights about the use, per material, per region or per country.